Balboa Highlands Eichler Homes Historic Survey
According to the original tract map, there were 109 homes planned for the Balboa Highlands neighborhood. The model homes were at the northeast corner of the tract at the corner of Lisette Street between and Balboa and Jimeno.
Aerial Views
Andrew Ellerd, an Eichler owner, flew over the Balboa Highlands tract and took the following pictures. Some things to admire: mature trees, curved streets and lots of swimming pools. Please click on an image to get a closer look.
Above is looking northeast towards the primary entrance of the neighborhood off Balboa Blvd. Notice the difference in the color of the roofs of the tract to the far left – just north of Balboa Highlands.
Above is looking southwest towards the top of the knoll. The homes to the top left of the picture are what we call “Likelers” – Modern designed homes which compliment the Eichler neighborhood. They donot have atriums, but front courtyard entrances with off centered sloped roofs.
Above is looking west – over the top of the knoll at the western edge of the neighborhood.